cold as blue

All right, it faked me out I admit it, here I thought I had found another beautiful, though common, flower to add to the collection and walked away happy. Perhaps if I actually looked at the thing I might have noticed.

I think it's called the First Presbyterian Church, I was intrigued by the colour and the texture. It's 1:46 in the afternoon and already the sun is behind the mountain

For some reason this chopper was flying over the woods out back. I am not sure why but it is very dangerous with all the power lines around. It hovered over the woods for a few minutes so maybe it was chasing a bear back into the forest, not sure. It wasn't black at least like the one i saw the other day, flying in extremely dense cloud when no one in their right mind would fly, very strange, someone has a conspiracy theory about it I'm sure.

Some days when the light is just right the mountain that holds the glacier looks like a castle turret in the sun and I imagine I am home.

the faced
isolated rock
mind rearranges the stone
discovers other
spirits find a place to dream
and make faces at the sky