When you've run out of things to shoot there's always 'bob' to fall back on, no judgemnt, no opinons, he merely sits in all his orange glory and relishes being seen and recorded.

It seems this is the only shot I see when I stand beneath, as this is basically the exact same photo as I took two years ago.

Now here's an angle on 'bob' I don't often consider, the contrast was intense though and I realize now the thing to do is take two shots of the same scene with different exposures then paste them together in cyber space, ah there will be another day.

My brother sent me a photo he took of some soap bubbles that formed a face and the mouth strangely enough looks the same.

Well close enough to be the same face. Photo by James Brooks.

It's kinda bizarre what happens when you don't think about what you are looking at and just let the image tell you what it is;

Distance alters perception until from afar to near the image disappears.
Try viewing this image full screen, stand back about fifteen feet, as you approach you will see what I mean.
in a momentary suspension of comprehension
sees inside

Otherwise a willow with orange branches
that most often provides the only colour in a winter scene
are frozen by fog, like fingers left in the freezer too long.

opposed to natural balance
minus two on a cold day in february
the tree resists change