Okay let's start today's entry with a bit of zen advice I once gave Ryder and it seems to apply currently.
"Just because you see a path, doesn't mean you have to go down it."This I post for Keith who I directed here by telephone tonight. I would like him to come here for a visit/Shambhala experience. It would be awesome. He is currently considering options. Therefore the quote. Choices like paths lead to change - some good - some bad - all some more experience to tell to anyone who will listen. Ask not what you can do to yourself, ask what the Universe can do to you next. You heard it here first!
A Keith memory; The two of us walking to town from Perrier Road. I lived in the house Keith in Kevin's bus parked in the driveway. Somewhere along the off ramp from the highway, where the houses above sit on a cliff edge guarded by brush we heard a couple of young voices hidden in that long green.
"Welfare Hippies"I do believe we had a good laugh about that! Later when Keith was kind enough to lay some guitar tracks over some of my poetry and Arron sat in on bass, improvising magnificently, we performed a gig as the
Welfare Hippies at the SubPub. It was totally awesome. Now let's reform the band, buy another old bus and some Grateful Dead flags and tour the country ... I'm telling ya it's a plan! I'm sure we could gather quite a following .. hehe! Giver Keith, get yer butt out here!

Anyway, on to today. At the bus stop I got Tyla with the google eyes peering up, a very nice distortion.
Later waiting for the bus home from the mall I cruise the pigeon walk looking for something to shoot. They live on this corner where the wind blows and food must be plentiful to keep them coming back. The bird in midstep is kind of neat because lately I have been testing the camera's ability to capture the moment exactly. I have gotten pretty good at it with the film camera but once again an area where the two differ. There is a second or less delay with the digital which requires changing when you actually click the shutter. i don't know I'm pretty happy catching the bird in mid step. It works pretty good so far.
And then to top it off, a few quick scenics for those who don't actually live here so they can vicariously experience the moment too.
Nelson's orange bridge crossing to the north Shore and a peek at the tip of Kokanee Glacier poking above all.
Oh yeah, I bought a mini tape recorder today so I can satisfy my fantasy of walking in the woods and writing poetry on the climb etc. However, wandering in the woods talking to myself could be construed as somewhat abnoraml so perhaps a long climb would be best. Heh, alas this is the spur of the moment effect it could possibly generate.
speaking ofanticipating the influx of material
generated by a voice activated tape
capable of capturing every nuance
of conversational dialogue
the possibilities tumble like boulders
shaken free when mother earth
rolled over in her sleep
softly the beginning was a pre-recorded set of stories
about origins and roots of survival
that provided the necessary background
to make an accurate judgement of character
regardless of opinion and appearance
world out of sorts delivers back a voice
ethereal in that it has never been heard before
but none can ignore the fact
those are the words spoken being relayed
from a mechanical box to ear to brain to finger
strains heavy on the board
gathering sentences into the ability to speak
in one long unhurried expulsion of air
flowing through shaped mouth
so the sounds mean more than
they appear to say
emphatically speaking loud enough
to raise the letters on the printed page
the eyes scanning for meaning
will never miss the directed focus
intended to make the embossing
have an effect
at the end of the hike up a mountain path
the visual descriptions fade heavily
when transcribed to a page
under the rhythm of time beating
inside the head mimicked by the way
the feet fall into the course of the ground
and absolute solitude on the inside
lets the purely driven moment
in the space of flow
where everything has more tangibility
and becomes access
to the divine way sunlight splatters
colour across beginnings and endings