Today has some significance as far as calendric reference goes, my mother died 25 years ago on this day, I moved to Nelson 20 years ago on this day, I got together with my daughter's mother for the first time on this day 11 years ago. There are other stories around this day too but they involve heavy amounts of alcohol and drugs and are a bit hazy at best.
acid flow
When I was more normal the next day, after indulging in some mind altering substances, the scene kept playing out the elements in random order. Whenever I squeezed my eyes tight all I could see were small oblong shapes mixing and gelling together the way plasma turns into blood cells right before the eyes staring deep into the skin. I knew right then how the image would begin and it dictated its own form from that point on. I kept remembering the spiral in the 160 million year old fossil I saw and tried to incorporate that as the stream and direction of the flow.
cubic circlesdemanding irrefutable proof
the skeptic hovers on the edge
of the halluncinogenic trip
into the ever shifting world
of colour
unable to explain adequately
all that is occurring
both inside and out
the useless attempt has been made before
with the end result always the same
there is no way to explain
all the inner workings of the brain
based on the metaphors that made the most sense over the years
and combined with the fantasy world of dream
conjured from imagination
and stories and pictures
when the attachment to the ground
was released by a tree trunk
absorbing the essence of all it contacts
the density and profusion of air particles changed
stretched like long tubes
the circles became three dimensional
within the three dimensional world they existed
and the texture and viscosity
of the world of vision
changed to an ocean of dry water
resisting movement with a slowed eerie effect
from the center of the pulsation
that was the brain having a thought
an aura emanated energy
and all those who wandered near
were caught in the cartoon playground
of surreal tangibility
and unreal energy

The chalk drawing in the kiosk area would likely last awhile, but on this gray and rainy day it wasn't going to be there long. I always like seeing other people's metaphors of aliens come to life. Funny how we feed each other the same idea over and over until like the greek gods of mythology the truth becomes masked in elaboration and flourish and no one believes it anymore.
out of the dustbreaking down borders of colour and race
and place of birth
the physical sign
from the alien part of the mind
that all is a-ok
and the world is in good hands
is simply a ridiculous cop-out notion
that one has no control
over the motion of the stars
when in effect all manifestation of elements conjugating
are challenges to inertia to get a move on
fully immersed in the continual spin
that is merely another guy twirling a plastic world
on the palm of his hand
the yogic center of all universes
begins within the shell we started with
and ends with the re-integration
of everything tubular into the round hole
that leaks out to the other side
everything that isn't sound