Jenn's Garden
I am convinced that life in a physical body is meant to be an ecstatic experience.
- Shakti Gawain

The garden in spring, as promised back on March the 9th of this year when I photographed this same garden buried beneath many inches of snow knowing full well the season would change and it's purpose then able to be realized.

The other photo lest we forget what winter was all about.

Today's little foray will consist of some of the brilliant flowers that grow in said garden. Here the yellow tulip I have been seeking. White with tinges of purple on the outside i was pleasantly surprised to find the insides this colour.

Too early in the day for these heavy heads to have lifted to the sun the photos from below always provide a nice blue sky backdrop.

They remind me of canoe paddles those little bits of flower parts. All the better to slice through the waves of air while enticing all with a little dance.

Even those past their prime lend an air of elegance to the surroundings. These are one of my favourites. I like the flowers with the petals that can be plucked, they're like a cliche, comfortably familiar and the design seems to mock, or pay homage to, the sun.

So perfectly and primarily yellow, vibrant in the sunlight with just a hint of morning dew.